-- This is NOT the website of Gene Moody. It is the website of DEMONBUSTER.COM.
















3. ANALYSIS OF MATT. 18:21-35

1. Law of Forgiveness

2. Kingdom of Heaven Is Likened To

3. Value of Money

4. Value of Your Salvation


1. Spiritual Bondage

2. Consequence of Unforgiveness

3. Pattern for Being Delivered and Healed



1. Earline's Testimony About Indian Curses

2. Earline's Testimony About Heart Condition

3. Earline's Testimony About Eating

4. Our Testimony About Marie's Broken Shoulder




1. Basic Deliverance

2. Rejection

3. Bitterness

4. Rebellion

5. Fifty-Three Common Demon Groupings

6. Arthritis

7. Cancer



Psa. 85:2Forgiven iniquity and covered sin - God.

Psa. 86:5Ready to forgive and plenteous in mercy - God.

Psa. 103:3 " 12Forgiveth all " removed as far as east from west - God.

Isa. 1:18Sins shall be as white as snow - God.

Isa. 43:25Blotteth out and will not remember - God.

Matt. 5:44Forgive your enemies - man.

Matt. 6:14-15Forgive men or not be forgiven by God - man.

Matt. 18:21-35Law of Forgiveness - man.

Mark 11:25-26Forgive men or not be forgiven by God - man.

Luke 17:3-4Rebuke man and forgive seven times a day - man.

Eph. 4:32King, tenderhearted, forgiving as God does - man.

Col. 2:13Forgiven you all trespasses - God.

Col. 3:12-13Mercies, kindness, humbleness, meekness, long-suffering, forbearing and forgiving one another - man.

Heb. 8:12Merciful to unrighteous and remember not sins - God.

Heb. 10:17Remember not sins and iniquities - God.

I John 1:9Confessing, forgiveness, cleansing from unrighteousness.


But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.

1. Love your enemies. We do not have to love Satan! Love in a social or moral sense: beloved. Enemy is an adversary: foe.

2. Bless them that curse you. Speak well of: thank or invoke a benediction upon. Curse is to execrate: to doom.

3. Do good to them that hate you. Do good honestly: full well. Hate is to detest: especially to persecute.

4. Pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you. Pray earnestly for: supplicate. Despitefully is to insult: slander and falsely accuse. Persecute is to pursue: to suffer.

5. Forgive your enemies; there are no excuses! Whites forgive blacks, blacks forgive whites and other races forgive each other.

6. You would have a lot fewer infirmities, weaknesses, sicknesses and diseases if you would forgive your enemies.


Law of Forgiveness

1. Forgive your fellowman 70 x 7 = 490 times. Actually there is no limit to forgiving others. How would you like it if God only forgave you for 490 sins?

2. God sends demons to torment these with unforgiveness.

3. Tormentors are Satan and his demons.

4. Prison is being in jail with Satan as Warden and his demons as guards.

Kingdom of Heaven Is Likened To

The parable is: God (is The King), the Rich Man (is You); and the Poor Man (is anyone you have not forgiven).

Value of Money

Talent = 750 oz. of silver; Pence = 1/8 oz. of silver.

10,000 talents x 750 = 7,500,000 oz. = $52,800,000.

100 Pence x 1/8 = 12-1/2 oz. = $44.00.

Value of Your Salvation

Your salvation is worth $52,800,000.

Your unforgiveness is worth $44.00.

This is a ratio of 600,000 to 1.

God forgave you 600,000 times as much as you are willing to forgive others.


Spiritual Bondage

Generally a person's demons can not be cast out if he has unforgiveness in his heart!

This is the crucifixion of the flesh until you come to your senses and forgive your fellowman and then ask God to forgive you!

Consequence of Unforgiveness

The consequence of unforgiveness is the most important lesson that God has taught us about deliverance. The corollary is the importance of forgiveness.

Cancer, arthritis and certain other diseases can come in through the sin of unforgiveness. If you know a Christian with cancer and arthritis, see if they have unforgiveness. They cannot be healed if the demons have a legal right before God to be there.

Pattern for Being Delivered and Healed

Forgive ancestors, descendents and others, ask God for forgiveness, and forgive self. Cast out the family of bitterness. Cast out cancer and arthritis. Anoint with oil and pray for healing. Try this pattern on all diseases: first do deliverance then pray for healing.


(Conquering The Hosts Of Hell)

Forgiveness is hard to give because it hurts to extend it to undeserving and hard-hearted ones. To release a wrong-doer instead of exacting a just penalty requires that we reach out in love, rejecting the temptation to hold bitterness and resentment. This is contrary to our natural inclinations, thus the old adage, To err is human, to forgive divine.

Forgiveness is not forgetting the wrong done; some hurts are so deep that this would be impossible. We can forget the anger and hurt we felt, but the act is branded in our minds. Forgiveness takes place when the victim accepts the loss and/or injury done him and deliberately cancels the debt owed him by the offending person. This is an act of your will and God will honor it.

Anger must be dealt with openly and honestly, not denied or ignored. Either it must be vented in retaliation or the injured party must accept his own anger, bear the burden of it, and confess it in prayer to release himself and to set the other party free. Revenge always hurts the revenger far more than the one at whom it is leveled!

In other words, our pattern must be the grievous and substitutionary death of Christ. He willingly received the hurt and evil of the entire human race in His own body on the tree (I Peter 2:21-24) to pay the debt for our guilt. He now offers what He has wrought as a free gift to undeserving and guilty persons so they can be free (Rom. 6:23; John 10:28-30).

As nothing else will, forgiveness takes us into the mysteries of grace where God forgives unconditionally on the basis of the substitutionary payment by another (Mark 11:25-26).

One of the fruits of the Holy Spirit's work in a life is the quality of meekness. It is a quality which is nurtured and abetted by practicing forgiveness.

This highly prized quality will cause us to be able to accept God's dealings with us as good, without disputing or resisting them. Meekness will also cause us to be able to bear one another's burden's cheerfully and for Jesus' sake, enabling us to enter into the mystery of Christ's sufferings.

Because unforgiveness, and the resentment and bitterness it generates is so deadly, it is not optional, but necessary that it be dealt with. Cancer and arthritis spirits definitely root into this fertile ground. To be bitter and unforgiving costs far more than it is worth.

Husbands forgive your wives. Wives forgive your husbands. Children forgive your parents. In Jesus' Name, I forgive my wife or husband and my parents. Amen.


Our testimonies are found in the Deliverance Manual and are illustrative of deliverance and healing. They were written by Earline or myself about our experiences.

Earline's Testimony About Indian Curses

What are the effect of curses? I had a heart condition which was unusual. It never occurred with regularity nor under any specific condition.

While taking a tread mill test, I experienced tremendous pain in the chest, arms and neck. Having been examined by a "heart specialist" in Minneapolis, who told me that my heart was good but he had written "death by heart attack" on many people's certificates like myself. These were people who didn't really have anything wrong with their hearts.

A year or so after my dad's death I found my heart acting up again. Sometimes one to five years would elapse between seizures. I began to ask God to show me why my brothers, dad, dad's brothers and his dad all had heart problems.

He showed me Ezekiel 18 " Exodus 20. He told me to repent for my ancestors and myself for the sin of idol worship in Leviticus 26:40-41. The curse of idol worship follows the blood line. I did these things and have been free for over eleven years. I was only the second generation from previous generations that sinned before God.

Earline's Testimony About Heart Condition

Earline's Comments

(How many of you have Indian Ancestors?)

I had a heart condition which was unusual. It never occurred with regularity or under any specific condition.

God gave me a vision of a shaman or witch doctor at an elevated funeral pyre which was burning dead bodies. He was chanting and waving, and saying on the descendents and descendents. This was supposed to be a blessing, but in actuality was a curse, because Indians worship demons. This was a curse that came down on my family causing heart problems.

Gene's Comments

This is a sign of demonic symptoms of disease brought about by a curse. It doesn't follow the medical guidelines. All they can say is that it is inherited.

Earline's Comments

While taking a tread mill test, I experienced tremendous pain in the chest, arms and neck. I was examined by a heart specialist in Minneapolis who told me that my heart was good but he had written death by heart attack on many people's certificates like myself.

Gene's Comments

These were people who didn't really have anything wrong with their hearts physically but had a spiritual root to the disease. The prayer of faith will not heal a disease that has a spiritual root that must be dealt with as sin to be confessed. Then the curse can be broken and the person prayed for to be healed.

God is beginning to show the Christian world spiritual roots of various diseases. Pastor Henry Wright of Molena, Georgia is a pioneer in this area. Also Art Mathias who is in Anchorage, Alaska.

Earline's Comments

A year or so after my dad's death, I found my heart acting up again. Sometimes one to five years would elapse between seizures. I began to ask God to show me why my brothers, dad, dad's brothers and his dad had heart problems.

God showed me Exodus 20 and Ezekiel 18. He told me to repent for my ancestors and myself for the sin of idol worship in Leviticus 26:40-41. The curse of idol worship follows the blood line down to the descendants. I did these things and have been free from these attacks for over twenty years. I was only the second generation from previous generations of Indians that sinned before God.

Gene's Comments

You have to forgive your ancestors and ask for forgiveness for yourself. Earline took her older brother, Clyde, through breaking the curse and he is still alive after a heart attack.

Exodus 20 lists the Ten Commandments which are still applicable today. The scriptures about worshipping other gods are verses 3, 4 and 5. This outlines the curse for idol worship which lasts three or four generations according to God's purposes. (Does anybody know why God curses some sins for three generations and some sins for four generations?)

Ezekiel 18 shows the equity of God's dealings with us. The sin of idol worship is defined as eating upon the mountains (in the groves), lifting up the eyes to the idols (worship), and not walking in God's statutes and judgements (disobedience).

This was a revelation of the sins of the ancestors that God gave Earline through prayer about why her family was plagued by heart attack and death by heart attack. This was primarily the men that were attacked but even Earline, a woman, was attacked. The revelation was the effect of the sins of the ancestors in her family coming through the Indians to cause heart problems and early death. The sin was disobeying the Ten Commandments of having no other gods before you, which is idol worship, that the Indians committed. Up to that time, we had never heard about the sins of the ancestors.

Earline had Cherokee Indian ancestry coming through her father and mother. We were raised in and around Chattanooga, Tennessee which was not far from Cherokee, North Carolina which had a demonic draw upon Earline. We were drawn to make a pilgrimage to the Smokey Mountains every year although we did not make it every year. In the fall, Earline would long to go to the mountains. After Earline was delivered from Indian spirits, she did not have that draw to go to the Smokey Mountains.

When you are a person of mixed races, you inherit the curses coming down through the different races, languages, customs, religions and nationalities. If you have Indian ancestry and are Caucasian, you receive the curses from the Indians and the Caucasians.

The curse would come from those ancestors that had sinned. This means that you can be cursed for ten generations (2046 ancestors) from both sides of your family.

Which of your ancestors didn't sin or that you know didn't sin? It is a good assumption that you have the curse of incest and the curse of the bastard on you. It could come from any of 2046 ancestors back to the tenth generation that sinned assuming it has not been properly broken. You will see the sin repeating itself generation after generation such as bastard after bastard.

We worked with one Indian woman who was a Christian. She had a hard time getting free of Indian curses and demons brought upon her by her ancestral lineage and sexual abuse. She was cursed by being an Indian and by incest which is very hard on a woman being abused by her blood relatives.

Earline's Testimony About Eating

1. I was sitting on the couch after eating a good breakfast. I had this urging to go and get more food, but I was not hungry. I asked The Lord why and He forced the demon within me to say, My name is "I Like To Eat", go and get me some food.

2. After casting out the demon, I Like To Eat, I told God how I had tried dieting and I knew that was hopeless.

3. I was told Obedience is better than sacrifice, and I knew how to eat but was not doing it. Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, not much meat and very little sweets is the basis of a proper diet.

4. Asked if I'd do what I was told, I assured God that I would. He said that food can be divided into two groups: God's and Devil's. Devil's foods include sweets to excess, junk food, and liquids which are mostly empty calories.

5. It's not bad manners not to eat sweets or any other food when you know your body has not used up the last meal. I was intelligent enough to know if I truly needed food.

6. Here are the rules in summary:

a. Eat fruits and vegetables; include leafy greens.

b. Do not eat much meat - three or four servings weekly.

c. Don't eat unless you truly need to.

d. Don't let others stuff you.

e. Seldom eat sweets.

f. Almost never eat junk food.

g. Remember those whose God is their belly.

h. Cook all foods simply.

i. Use little fat and cut fat from the meat.

Gene's Comments

1. Earline lost about seventy pounds and weighed less than she did when we got married and before she had two children. She weighed 100 to 110 pounds which was less than Marie, our teenage daughter, who had not had any children. It was like having a new wife!

2. Do you realize that the body has enough energy for you to fast for forty days? Marie fasted for forty days on water taking only vitamins, minerals and supplements.

3. You must take care of your spirit, soul and body. You can not neglect any part of your tripartite being and be in health. You can not neglect your body and expect God to take care of it or heal you every time that you pray. One of Earline's sayings is, If you don't brush your teeth, God will let them rot out of your mouth.

4. Healing and deliverance go hand in hand. You can get healed by anointing with oil and praying the prayer of faith, or by casting out demons of infirmities. The Lord told me to take a person through deliverance and then pray for healing. You have a double possibility of getting the person healed.

5. Sometimes the demon of infirmity manifests as it is being cast out and you know that there was an infirmity demon in the person. If the infirmity is there because of sin, you won't get healed by the prayer of faith, because the demon has a legal right to be there. You must take away the legal right and then cast out the demon.

Our Testimony About Marie's Broken Shoulder

One Sunday after going to church, we decided to get Marie's horse, King Fox, and go to the park. After enjoying an afternoon in the sun, we told Marie to ride back and stable the horse so that we could go to Sunday evening services. She rode thru the woods and we rode around the woods in our car.

When we got back to the stables, the horse was tied up and Marie was lying in a car. She had fallen off King Fox and broke her arm. Her face was white and her lips were blue. This shocked Earline and I, but we had the presence of The Holy Spirit, so we prayed for Marie; nothing happened outwardly.

After putting the horse in the stable and Marie in our car, we headed for home. We didn't know whether to take her to the hospital or to the doctor or to depend upon God for healing. As we rode back home, the Lord quickened this verse to my mind, The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way (Psalm 37:23). I asked God to order our steps about what to do.

After we reached home, Marie sat in the car and felt the bones in her arm. She could feel the dislocated broken bones. We called our family doctor, but he was out and his backup was not to be found either, which was good because we sought The Lord about what to do, PRAISE GOD!

Earline said that one of us should be in the car with Marie. I said I would go and went back to my study to get the anointing oil. As I came out, Earline said, Go get your oil and pray for Marie. God had given us a Word of Wisdom, one of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit, For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit (I Cor. 12:8).

We were familiar with anointing with oil and praying the prayer of faith. Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. (James 5:14-15). I then anointed Marie's forehead, held her hand of the broken arm, and we all prayed again. Her arm tingled and she could feel the bones moving within the arm, PRAISE THE LORD!

We then took her to the hospital where she was x-rayed and attended by a bone specialist. He was very talkative and showed us the x-ray. He could see a complete break thru the shoulder socket. The bone was perfectly set and a chipped bone was perfectly in place. We told him about praying for her arm and he said that it was unusual to see that type of break and not have to set the bone.

He put a cast just past Marie's elbow and said come back in three weeks. Earline and Marie prayed that she would be completely healed by then. He examined her and took another x-ray to prove she was not healed. PRAISE THE LORD, she was healed, the cast was taken off, and she rode King Fox three weeks after the arm was broken! Any doctor will tell you that it takes six to eight weeks to heal an ordinary break and longer for complicated breaks.

We had memorized a verse in church the Sunday before the accident, Behold I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me? (Jer. 32:27). The answer naturally is, No!

Since then I have heard of three other cases where God set the bones, I personally know two of the individuals.

The Lord taught us a number of lessons:

1. Anointing with oil is important to Him.

2. Pray The Blood Of Jesus over your family everyday.

3. He will heal injuries as well as sicknesses.

4. Be ready to pray at all times.

To God be the glory, honor, praise and credit for everything that was done!


Work this lesson with Deliverance Manual or How To Do Deliverance Manual. I can not say that all cancer and arthritis is demonic, but I can say that some is the result of sin. Holding Bitterness, Resentment, Hatred, Unforgiveness, Violence, Temper, Anger, Retaliation and Murder in your heart are sins in the Sight Of God and you will pay a bitter price for those sins. Either you forgive others or God will not forgive you. Arthritis and cancer take root in bitterness; this is fertile ground for diseases to grow in.

When I was in Florida and Alaska, God showed me that we had setup a hospital with an operating room and a recovery room in the church to spiritually operate on the people in deliverance and healing. Think of this as God's Hospital with His Operating Room and His Recovery Room. In individual deliverance, I have cast out cancer and arthritis spirits. I know they were spirits because they manifested when their names were called out.

1. Anoint yourself, deliverance team and the patient with olive oil which is symbolic of The Holy Spirit. This is not magic.

2.Have one of the deliverance team open up with prayer. Train the deliverance team and give them a chance to minister.

3. Ask the patient about bitterness, resentment, hatred and unforgiveness against others, husband or wife, and themselves.

4. Ask the patient if they know of any open door for Satan to attack them with cancer or arthritis. Were there any traumatic events in their life that left scars especially in the emotions?

5. Ask the medical name of the cancer or arthritis so that it can be specifically called out. It is more powerful to call out specific rather than generic names of demons. They want you to call out their name, probably due to pride. It doesn't do any good to say that I command every demon to come out of this person in The Name Of Jesus.

6. If it is female cancer, did she have an abortion? Breast cancer can be a result of an abortion. Female diseases can be a result of a promiscuous life style.

7. Ask the patient if the deliverance team and minister can lay hands on them. You need their permission and cooperation.

8. For more power, the deliverance minister shall place their hands on the front and back of the patient's head while casting out demons. You can cast out demons from across the room.

9. Women can lay hands on women, and men on men in places where it would be inappropriate for the opposite sex to do so. Sometimes I will ask women to lay hands on a woman's chest or stomach for more power.

10. Start with Basic Deliverance: Rejection, Bitterness and Rebellion families.

11. After calling out a family of demons, have the patient take three deep breaths to help expel the demons.

12.Observe the manifestations of demons and alter the deliverance process as the need arises. Be led by The Holy Spirit.

13.Leave infirmities, weaknesses, sicknesses and diseases for last. Go after cancer and arthritis in particular. The unusual names are the spiritual names of demons known to them in the spirit world. Call out spirits of death.

14.If the situation is appropriate, take the patient through Fifty-Three Common Demon Groupings found in How To Do Deliverance Manual, Prayers And List Of Demons For Mass Deliverance or found in the book, Pigs In The Parlor.

15.Have one of the deliverance team pray the prayer of faith for healing. They need the practice of praying for others.

16. Have the deliverance team take the patient into the recovery room and continue working with the person so that you can start with the next patient.

17. In this manner of operation, the deliverance minister can work with a lot of people. Time periods can be two hours, one hour, thirty minutes or even fifteen minutes as the situation dictates.


I forgive my ancestors (upwards), descendants (downwards), and anyone else (outwards) that has sinned against me or hurt me in any way including rejection, bitterness and rebellion (those outside of me). I ask you to forgive them for their many sins and mistakes. I remit their sins, sever any demonic ties, and set myself free. I ask God to bless them with spiritual blessings, bring them into truth, and meet their needs out of His Riches in Glory through Christ Jesus. I ask that God will forgive me (godwards) for my many sins, and I forgive myself (inwards) for sins against my body.

In The Name of Jesus Christ I command the spirits to come out of the Unconscious, Subconscious and Conscious Mind. I command the families of Rejection, Bitterness and Rebellion, and other related families to come out of me and bring their works with them as your name is called.


Basic Deliverance

Rejection: Fear of Rejection, Self Rejection.

Bitterness: Resentment, Hatred, Unforgiveness, Violence, Temper, Anger, Retaliation, Murder.

Rebellion: Self Will, Stubbornness, Disobedience, Anti-Submissiveness.

Diseases: Cancer, Arthritis and diseases that come in through Bitterness.


Feelings of being Rejected, Refused, Repudiated, Declined, Denied, Rebuffed, Repelled, Renounced, Discarded, Thrown Away, Excluded, Eliminated and Jettisoned.

Rejection, Poor in Spirit, Pride - Ego - Vanity, Double Mindedness, Fear of Rejection, Self Rejection, Roots of Rejection, Ahab-Jezebel Complex, Destruction of Family Priesthood, Dominance, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Rebellion, Withdrawal, Overpermissive, Too Harsh, Lying, Guilt, Distrust, Inability to Communicate, Witchcraft Control, Ugliness, Schizophrenia, Anger, Rejection from the Womb, Smoking, Drinking, Dementia Praecox, Instability, Agony, Inability to Give or Receive Love, Insecurity, Inferiority, Fantasy, Unreality, Sexual Perversion, Frustration


Feelings of being Bitterly Cursed, Rebellious, Sharp, Acrid, Embittered, Poisoned, Violent, Provoked, Vexed, Grieved, Sorrowing, Bitter Herb, Calamity, Bile, Venom, Angry, Chafed, Most Bitter and Provoked.

Bitterness: Resentment, Hatred, Unforgiveness, Violence, Temper, Anger, Retaliation, Murder.


Feelings of being Disobeyed, Transgressed, Violated, Disregarded, Defied, Infringed, Shirked, Resisted, Mutiny, Rebelled and Revolted.

Rebellion, Greed, Disobedience, Lying, Self-will, Hate, Stubbornness, Evil Plotting and Planning, Anti-submissiveness, Evil Control of Others, Destruction, Unrighteous Judgement, Subversion, Rock Music, Resistance, Christian Rock, Interference, Deceit, Friction, Trickery, Repulse, Betrayal, Defiance, Pride, Aggressiveness, False Love, Scorn, Arrogance, Sorcery, Conniving, Seduction, Confusion, Sullen Masculine Women, Taking Tranquilizers, Effeminate Men, Taking Drugs, Insecurity, Restless, Frustration, Witchcraft, Depression, Unholy Sex, Doubt.

Fifty-Three Common Demon Groupings

The Fifty-Three Common Demon Groupings can be used after Basic Deliverance if desired. These Groupings are found in the book, Pigs In The Parlor or Deliverance Manual, pages 28-29 or How To Do Deliverance Manual, Prayers And Lists Of Demons For Mass Deliverance.


(Proper Names of Demons)

Bitterness - Root of Bitterness, cause of arthritis, Resentment, Hatred, Violence, Murder, Schizophrenia, Mind Binding, Memory Loss, Recall, Unforgiveness, Temper, Anger, Retaliation, Broken Relationships.

Unforgiveness - cause of arthritis.

Schizophrenia - Schizo, Damnable Seed, a commanding ruler: double mindedness

Rejection - Lust, Fantasy Lust, Perverseness, Jealousy, Paranoia, Self Pity, Depression, Suicide, Guilt, Pride, Vanity, Loneliness, Fears, Attention Seeking, Inferiority, Harlotry, Unfairness, Withdrawal, Fantasy, Daydreaming, Timidity, Self Awareness, Shyness, Sensitivity, Chattering, Nervousness, Vivid Imaginations, Fear Of Germs, Frustration, Impatience, Inordinate Affection For Animals, Intolerance, Insanity, Self Rejection, Self Accusation, Tension, Fear Of People, Compulsive Confession, Envy, Fear Of Judgment, False Compassion, Fear Of Rejection, False Responsibility, Despondency, Shame, Despair, Discouragement, Hopelessness, Condemnation, Unworthiness, Perfection, Ego.

Rebellion - Fear, Accusation, Selfishness, Pride, Hatred, Resentment, Violence, Murder, Memory Recall Loss, Disobedience, Paranoia, Suspicion, Distrust, Persecution, Confrontation, Self Will, Projection, Stubbornness, Anger, Judgemental, Self Deception, Self Delusion, Self Destruction, Unteachableness, Control, Possessiveness, Retaliation, False Beliefs, Anti-Submissiveness.


(Proper Names of Demons)

Termination, a ruler, in charge of terminal diseases.

Optias: puts parasites and organisms into the body; also inserts cancer cells.

Nimo, a controller: deceives, works with Cancer, Fungus " Self-Destruction.

Blood Cancer (Leukemia) - Yondacola: leukemia.

Breast Cancer - Cerulias, a ruler, controller Monroe: under Cerulias.

Verico: mushroom growth type breast cancer.

Taile: lymph glands of the breast.

Colon Cancer - Blargy: colon cancer; infection of colon, colitis, diverticulitis.

Cancer of Lymph Glands - Tatile: in breast.

Stomach Cancer - Bozo: stomach infection, ulcers.

Damulias, a prince: right breast.

Arculias, a ruler: left breast.

Aaile: lymph glands of breast.

Moxie, Maxze: power over chest pains.

Lukoliasn Lukolidus: pain in breastbone, sternum.

Taegy: colitis.

Blargy: infection of colon, diverticulitis, cancer of colon, colitis.

Bozo: stomach cancer, stomach infection, stomach irritation, ulcers.

Carpa: nervous stomach, ulcers.


Deliverance Manual, Spiritual Warfare Manual, How To Do Deliverance Manual, Sexual Deliverance Manual, Witchcraft Deliverance Manual, Curses Deliverance Manual and Healing Deliverance Manual by Gene and Earline Moody.

Conquering The Hosts Of Hell and Proper Names of Demons by Win Worley, Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland, IN.