-- This is NOT the website of Gene Moody. It is the website of DEMONBUSTER.COM.











Written By Earline Moody




1. Seven-month Old Child

2. Marie Moody

3. Asian People



1. Cursed Objects

2. A Word About Incense

3. Cursed Objects and Demon Infestation

4. Cursed and Inanimate Objects

5. Summary


1. Hex Signs

2. Symbols of Hex Signs

3. Masonic Symbols

4. Symbols


1. Dolls

2. Dolls in Toledo, Ohio

3. Baby - Seven Months Old

4. Satan In The Toy Store

5. Toys Having Either Occult Linkage,

6. Actions or Excessive Violence

7. Summary of Toys


1. To Exorcise Inanimate Objects

2. Five Steps To Cleaning House




"L" is scripture for lesson; "C" is scripture for cleaning your house:

L - Ex. 20:4Graven Image (Jesus' picture? He did not have white skin!)

C - Num. 23:8 " 23Can only curse if God curses (notice that God curses).

L - Deut. 7:25-26 Those who keep or own cursed objects (you are cursed).

L - Deut. 14:7-19Unclean animals (something for you to think about).

C - Deut. 21:23Anyone hanged is accursed of God.

C - Deut. 32:5,17Have corrupted themselves. Have worshipped devils (demons).

C - Josh. 6:18Those who keep or own cursed objects (are cursed).

C - II Sam. 7:29Blessing of the Lord.

L - Prov. 3:33Curse of the Lord on house of the wicked.

L - Jer. 48:10Deceitful worker of the Lord is cursed.

C - Gal. 3:13Christ has redeemed us from the curse (must be applied).

C - Col. 2:14-15Blotting out ordinances against us.

L - II Tim. 4:4They will not endure sound doctrine.

C - Rev. 12:11Overcome by word of testimony.

C - Rev. 22:3No more curse in Heaven.


Seven-month Old Child

Earline and I were working with a mother and her child who was seven-months old. As we were taking the mother through prayers for her sins, the child spoke and said, NO GENE NO. As you know, children of this age can not speak. What do you think spoke through the child - a demon?

Marie Moody

Some friends of ours were ministers who went to Haiti. One time they brought us some carved figurines as a gift. These statutes caused us strife in the family. Our daughter, Marie, felt like there were eyes watching her as she walked across the room. The Lord finally got our attention and we destroyed the wood figures. The wood would not burn normally and finally I had to soak them in charcoal-lighter fluid. When they finally burned, a green flame came out and shot toward us. These dolls were probably made by Voodoo worshipers who blessed them so that they would be sold. After getting rid of the statutes, the strife left our family. What do you think the green flame was - a demon?

Asian People

One of my favorite examples is that of the Buddha. Do you have a cute little Buddha sitting in your house? If so, you are cursed because you have a cursed object in your home.

Another example is the family alter for worship of dead ancestors. This is spiritual idolatry and brings curses to the family.

God took Pastor Jesse Duplantis to Heaven while he was alive. He saw many Asian children but few Asian adults. Apparently the Asian world is caught in a death trap of Asian religions and will go to Hell. Asia has half of the world population. The children are innocent if they die before the age of accountability and will go to Heaven.

An Asian church was meeting in an Odd Fellow Lodge. This is Masonry, a false religion, and cursed the church. Who knows how much damage was done?


Due to my involvement with demons through deliverance, I have heard many reports of unusual demon activities in connection with houses and objects. Books and objects identified with anything related to Satan's kingdom have been known to attract demons. Sinful activities on the part of former residents account for some houses needing to be cleansed.

Many have told of hearing voices or sounds in their houses. Such manifestations are sometimes called poltergeist, a German word meaning knocking or noisy ghosts.

What about the owls and frogs? These are classified among the creatures mentioned in Deut. 14:7-19 as being unclean and abominable. They are types of demon spirits.

The graven images of their gods you shall burn with fire, you shall not desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it for yourself, lest you be ensnared by it; for it is an abomination to the Lord your God. Neither shall you bring an abomination (an idol) into your house, lest you be ensnared by it; for it is an abomination to the Lord your God (Deut. 7:25-26).

Demons are definitely attracted to houses by objects and literature that pertain to false religions, cults, the occult and spiritism. All such materials should be burned or otherwise destroyed. Houses or buildings which are suspect of demon infestation should be cleansed by the authority of the name of Jesus. Those who live in such places should stand on the provisions of the blood of Jesus Christ. (Probably the greatest abomination to God is worshiping other gods in any form such as having an idol in your house.)

NOTES ON WITCHCRAFT, SYMBOLS AND ACCURSED OBJECTS (EXCERPTS)In Satan worship, often times the arms are crossed as a sign of submission to and being bound by the devil. (Also a sign of rebellion.)

Often good luck charms, ankhs, astrological symbols and other jewelry with hex signs, etc. will cause interference with deliverance. Some objects, particularly rings, bracelets, necklaces and other jewelry which has been given to a person by someone in witchcraft, will have curses and bring bondage with them.

There is a resurgence of hex signs, and ancient geometric and mystical motifs which are being incorporated into designs for clothing, jewelry, decorative objects and china. In antique shops there are often selections of rings, pendants, pins and various kinds of jewelry which were originally designed to bring good luck and to act as a talisman to chase evil. Some of the most popular currently include: The Egyptian ankh (a cross with a loop at the top which was an ancient fertility symbol); the ancient witchcraft sign of the broken cross, popularly known as the peace symbol; Chais (consists of Hebrew characters spelling the word life); Polynesian tikkis, figures and other things; a wiggly tail which is called the Italian horn; protectors from the evil eye; a hand with the index and little fingers pointing up (a satanic witchcraft sign); and a great variety of crosses, clovers, stars, wishbones, lucky coins, mystic medals, horseshoes and other items.

Another interesting thing is how many times in religious fetishes and statues there is a dangerous resident demon power.

If it is necessary to do deliverance in a house, it is wise to clean the house spiritually afterward, to head off any trouble which might be caused by spirits remaining in the place. (Command the demons to leave the people, house and property.)


Cursed Objects (Excerpts)

Believers who have broken with Freemasonry and renounced their vows, should write to the lodge asking that their names be deleted from the membership roll. It is also important that personal regalia (or those handed down in the family) should be destroyed. Associated clothing should be burnt, and metal objects including swords defaced, or smashed and disposed of. Relatives are sometimes superstitious about disposing of these family relics, but they are cursed, and if retained will bring the judgment of God upon the household.

Demons may try to prevent Masonic objects from being destroyed by hiding the means of destruction or preventing the objects from being destroyed such as preventing the objects from catching on fire.

A Word About Incense (Excerpts)

Believers must be careful about bringing incense into their homes. Most people are unaware that much of the incense sold in curio and novelty shops was manufactured by devotees of the Hare Krishna cult. Their wares are dedicated to this demon god of the Hindus and can cause much trouble.

Cursed Objects and Demon Infestation (Excerpts)

This is just a partial list of many objects that attract demons. It is recommended that two Christians, in agreement, led by The Holy Spirit, go through the dwelling to discern demonic objects that need to be destroyed. It is up to the owner what will be destroyed. A recommended book is Masonic And Occult Symbols Illustrated by Cathy Burns, Sharing, Mt. Carmel, PA.

Crosses, pictures and objects may be godly or ungodly. For instance, there are ungodly crosses. Ex. 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. This is a key verse to use in discernment.

Cast demons out of houses; command demons to go by these names or associated with these objects:

1. Books and objects identified with anything related to Satan's Kingdom.

2. Sinful activities of former residents left curses.

3. Knocking or noisy ghosts (poltergeist) and apparitions.

4. Owl and frog images.

5. Witch's mask and fetishes used by witch doctors.

6. Objects and literature that pertain to false religions, cults, the occult and spiritism.

7. Graven images of gods (demons).

8. Objects dedicated to demons (idols and artifacts).

9. Ouija boards or other occult paraphernalia.

10.Prayers and worship to demons bring curses on home.

11.Mexican sun gods; idols, incense; Buddhas; hand carved objects from Africa or the Orient; anything connected with astrology, horoscopes, fortune telling, etc.; books or objects associated with witchcraft, good luck charms or cult religions (metaphysics, Christian Science, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.); rock and roll records and tapes.

12.Jewelry given to a person by someone in witchcraft, hex signs, ancient geometric and mystical motifs. Jewelry designed to bring good luck and act as talisman to chase evil.

13. Egyptian ankh, broken cross (peace symbol), chais, Polynesian tikkis of gods, African jujus, Italian horn, protectors from the evil eye, hand with index and little fingers pointing up, clovers, stars, wishbones, lucky coins, mystic medals, horseshoes, religious fetishes and statues.

14. Products with cryptic curses (hidden, secret, occult curses).

15. Dolls used for witchcraft and magic; puppets, cult objects or representations.

16.Common familiars include occult objects used in practice of occult arts; Rock " Roll records, tapes, posters and T-shirts; occultic role-playing fantasy games; artifacts of Eastern religions such as statues of gods; rosaries, crucifixes and pictures of statues of Catholic saints; objects used in the practice of Catholicism and Masonry; literature and tapes on the occult and pagan religions; New Age and Rock " Roll subliminal-suggestion tapes; and similar items. There is no way to come up with a complete list.

Cursed and Inanimate Objects

If you have a cursed object, you become cursed by God! Remove cursed objects from your being and from your home; destroy by breaking, burning or at least throw them in the trash can. Do not keep the cursed silver or gold of the object. If the cursed object belongs to someone else and you can not throw it away, then anoint with oil and cast the demons out of it. Anoint your house with oil and cast out evil spirits from your house and possessions.

You must clean your home and your body of cursed objects. If you have cursed objects, you become cursed and you will have demons living with you. They don't just come to live in your home or on your person, they come to torment you and your family.

If you have cursed objects on your body or in your possessions that your carry around, or that are in your home, then your are cursed by God. You have invited the demons to attack you and the people that live in your home.

My favorite example is pierced ears which is a sign of slavery in the Bible. Jesus Christ wants us to live a simple life without religious objects or graven images. I want the men to take off religious objects. I want the women to take off jewelry except for wedding rings and watches. This will help in the deliverance to get rid of the demons.


If you have a cursed object in your house, you are cursed. A cursed object does not just sit idle in your house. It will cause trouble for you. There are demons that live in or around the cursed object. Do you feel an unusual attraction or repulsion to some object in your home, office or car? You may have a demonic tie to it.


Hex Signs (Excerpts)

The five pointed star has been used by witches for centuries and called the pentacle or pentagram. With the two points up (as in Eastern Star) it is called the sign of the goat or Satan; one point up symbolizes witchcraft. When witches want to talk with demons, they will often stand within a pentagram and the demon will appear within a six pointed star by two triangles (hexagram) commonly called the Star of David. The Mogen David, as it was called, was a Cabalistic magic symbol for white magic and the word hex comes from the hexagram.

Masonic symbols were ancient witchcraft signs long before freemasonry was created. The initiation rituals for witchcraft and Masons are identical (according to ex-witch John Todd), again demonstrating Masonic roots into witchcraft. The only difference is that the initiated witch disrobes completely at the close, and signs in his own blood.

The wiggly horn called the Italian horn is also a witchcraft device (leprechaun's staff or unicorn's horn) and means you trust the Devil for your finances.

The Egyptian ankh (cross with a loop on top) is a sex goddess symbol meaning you despise virginity, believe in fertility rites, and worship and serve the Egyptian sun god RA (Egyptian name for Lucifer).

The signs of the Zodiac are occult symbols as are the little Mexican sun gods and Buddhas. The crescent moon and star are the sign of an initiate into witchcraft.

In the Old Testament, God gave cunning skills to hands of artisans who fashioned the furnishings and decorations for the tabernacle. The use of these signs and symbols, and others which are the property of Satan can bring demons to your home and/or person.

Symbols of Hex Signs (Excerpts)

Remove these symbols from your person and possessions:

1. Six Petal Rosette and Lucky Stars - these are your lucky stars.

2. The Irish Shamrock Hex - good luck, fast life, good fortune and fidelity.

3. Tulip - faith, hope and charity.

4. Unicorn - virtue and piety.

5. Fertility.

6. Twelve Petal Rosette - that each month of the year be joyous ones.

7. The Distelfink - the bird of happiness always near you and good fortune.

8. Your Lucky Stars - lucky stars that guide your heart.

9. Love and Romance - rosette and hearts of love and romance.

10. Eight Pointed Star - star and rosette to bring abundance and goodwill.


12.There is a symbol for each of the above listed hex signs.

Masonic Symbols (Excerpts)

There are many Masonic trinkets and tokens, and jewels and regalia which cause trouble for Christians. Symbols are disguised. Baphomet is the satanic Goat of Mendes and the best known representation of Lucifer in occultism. Caduceus is an emblem of the Supreme Deity of the Masons and represented the active power of generation and the passive power of production conjoined. Inverted pentagram is to call up the power of Satan and is one of the main symbols of witchcraft and occultism. Square and compass symbolize the human reproductive organs, locked in coitus. Crescent moon and star are used by witches. Lambskin apron is an emblem of innocence and the badge of a Mason. Hexagram is a powerful symbol to witches, sorcerers and magicians.


1. Many symbols are of demonic origin such as Fleur-de-Lis. Britannica Encyclopedia gives this explanation. In India and in Egypt it was common decorating device used as a symbol of life and resurrection, the attribute of the god Horus.

2. The Mobile Winged horse - Pegasus; FTD's symbol is Mercury or Hermes - the messenger of the gods, god of commerce also god of fraud and cunning.

3. Caduceus the winged wand of Mercury - Doctors and the American Medical Profession.

4. Nike is the goddess of victory (Athena).

5. The cornucopia represents the goat mother (Amaltheia) who suckled the infant-god in a cave; Zeus is said to have given it to her to insure a plenteous supply of food.

When you read the scripture given at the beginning of this lesson you probably began to feel that the gods and goddess, and mythology is a collection of demon worship. Many of the gods and goddess are referred to in the Old Testament by the names the Hebrews would have used. They come from the old Chaldean Religion. Tammuz is mentioned in the Bible. The references to groves, temple prostitution, etc. is about idol worship or demon worship. Everyone should do a little research into this and discover the original reason for our holidays and symbols. Old encyclopedias are better than later editions because the later editions leave out much information that is vital to us. Research the meaning of Biblical references to groves, temples, temple prostitutes, and celebrations in both Old and New Testaments. It will open you eyes to the revival of Satan and demon worship in America, and to our coming judgement. God did not overlook the Hebrews worship of Satan and the demons, and He promises not to overlook ours either.

To really follow God, demands that as soon as you learn of something you do or have that is an abomination to God, you remove it from your life immediately. Your Christian friends may not agree with you and may criticize you. After you have done your research and have submitted it to God, you follow His direction.


Dolls (Excerpts)

Dolls were believed to bring good luck to their owners, to make livestock give more milk, help win wars and heal the sick. Only witch doctors or medicine men were allowed to handle them.

The dictionary defines a doll as a small carved or molded figure which served as a cult object or representation of a nursery story, cartoon or puppet character.

Both World Book and Britannica point out that dolls were buried with people and were supposed to be friends and servants in the spirit world.

Roman and Greek girls, in preparation for marriage would leave their dolls on the altar of the temples of Artemis and Diana. To this day multitudes of idol (demon) worshippers use dolls in pagan religious ceremonies.

In ancient times the worship of idols included the offering of various types of sacrifices, libations and other acts of devotion such as kissing an image, kneeling or dancing before it. On occasion the worshiper inflicted wounds in themselves as a special act of homage. The second commandment of the Decalogue prohibited the making of any image of The God Of Israel. Despite the fact that arks, ephods and terraphin found their place in the religion of Israel, not a single figure of God has ever been recovered by archaeologists. This feature of Israel's religion sharply distinguished it from that of her neighbors and contemporaries, and profoundly attests to the fact that the true God is not a being whose personality can be adequately reflected in the products of human handicrafts. Idolatry was a constant problem in ancient Israel.

Dolls in Toledo, Ohio (Excerpts)

One night when my wife was complaining to me about the child's insolence, out of nowhere I said, Her problems are those stinking doll babies, it's witchcraft.

The next night while I was praying for someone's deliverance, she picked up an encyclopedia to check what it said about dolls! There it was: origin in witchcraft and magic.

Baby - Seven Months Old (Excerpts)

The Lord began to show us the legal grounds Satan held. It was in his dolls! He had received one for Christmas and a small plastic boy sailor doll at birth. The Lord also told my husband of various stuffed toys (in shapes of animals - whales, dogs and kangaroos), a plastic toy Big Bird and matching bib. These were thrown away and curses from them broken. (Look for strange sicknesses or diseases that will not heal in children.)

When the Lord commanded that no graven images were to be made, He wasn't being cruel and heartless. He knew the damage they could put upon people (Ex. 20:4). The Lord has also shown us that puppets are a deception and the Lord places a curse on those that use deceit (Jer. 48:10).

Satan In The Toy Store

And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four footed beasts, and creeping things (Rom. 1:23).

There shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee (Deut. 18:10-12). The permissive society along with its blinding perversion of moral and spiritual values is an appalling reality.

How can a child be influenced to readily accept demons? Webster's defines fantasy as 1) imagination or fancy, especially wild, visionary fancy; 2) unreal mental image; illusion; phantasm; 3) whim; queer notion; caprice; 4) an imaginative poem, play, etc. and 5) in psychology, a mental image as in a day dream.

Movies - Demonic movies aim to frighten, to deceive, to familiarize children with hideous characters, to entice children to accept evil as good, etc. Woe to those who call evil good and good evil (Isa.5:20).

For instance, consider E.T. He could heal, raise the dead, etc.; a mockery of Jesus and a horrible creature. Movies to avoid are Star Wars, Dark Cauldrons, Rosemary's Baby, The Exorcist and similar movies.

Fairy Tales and Walt Disney - Time Warner movies are full of cabalistic practices such as The Chronicles of Narina: the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Time Warner's - Harry Potter Movies - The Lord of the Rings. These movies and books help the children to accept the menacing demons as their friends. They no longer have fear if these devils appear to them in their rooms. They become their imaginary friends. In actuality, they are malignant evil spirits, sent to rob, kill and destroy the children.

Read Daniel 11:38; God of forces means munitions. The below games include force or munitions. In the games munitions is associated with occult, charms and magic.

Years ago God showed me the reason for Walt Disney movies, full of occult workings and such as E.T. It was to get the children to feel comfortable, even to love the better of the evil presented to them. Do you think it has worked?

In our work with people, we have found fantasy to be a major problem. Many people under 35 years old have a hard time living in a real world. Dwelling in fantasy has become to them the real world; the real world is fantasy. Fantasy costs in lost mental power, satisfaction of life and work.

Cartoons draw on Egyptology - Isis; mythology, witchcraft, occult, Smurfs, Dungeons " Dragons, Little People and Gremlins. The most violent block of T.V. time is Saturday morning aimed to steal the souls of children.

Fairy Tales and Walt Disney movies are full of occult practices: Mary Popins, Dark Cauldron, etc. Video games incite destruction and death.

Rock music and subliminal music is meant to operate on stimuli that exist below the threshold of the conscious mind. Its goal is to awaken the energy center (in the brain) and to expand mental awareness. Scientific instruments have proved it reaches its goal. Music is more powerful than drugs.

New Age Children's music is to incite rebellion and self elevation. Rock music leads young people into sexual perversions and violence.

Toys Having Either Occult Linkage,

Actions or Excessive Violence

These can cause demonic possession in children. SMURFS: (German word for demon) - Papa Smurf is a wizard who casts spells and mixes potions, and often refers to Beelzebub (Satan) in the cartoons. He practices sorcery and witchcraft.

Wizards and witches were put to death in the Old Testament. Paying heed to them, however amusing or cute and innocent they seem to be, gives respectability to that which God forbids. He knows it leads to one opening up oneself to satanic bondage. Ignore and Renounce!

STAR WARS: The theme is based on a cosmic force taken from Zen Buddhism and Eastern religions. EMPIRE STRIKES BACK: Yoda is referred to as a Zen master. E.T. TOYS: E.T. levitates, uses mental telepathy, heals supernaturally, resurrected, imitation of the life of Jesus, operates in the occult. DUNGEON'S AND DRAGONS: Fantasy game fought in the minds of the players. Teaches demonology, witchcraft, voodoo, murder, rape, blasphemy, suicide, assassination, insanity, sex perversion, homosexuality, Satan worship, barbarianism, cannibalism, sadism, demon summoning, necromancy and divination. Human sacrifice. Some game!!

RAINBOW BRITE AND SPRITES: Sprites are listed in the advanced D " D Monster Manual. New Age Movement uses rainbow symbol with the star. SHE-RA: Princess of power, magic power, female defender of the universe. RA is the name of Egyptian sun god. PEGASUS: Flying horse from D " D monster manual. New Age Movement uses it for astral flight/meditation. UNICORNS: D " D Monster Manual; Medieval kings and popes used amulet made from horn; believed to have magical and healing powers. CARE BEARS: (Not Really???) Wear charms (amulets) to keep away evil spirits (occult symbols). Rabbit foot, rainbow with star (New Age symbol) horseshoe, four leaf clover. Latest character, wizard.

HERSELF THE ELF: Elves are inferior spirit beings with great powers supposedly. Magical flowers. MAGIC KIT: It's magic, spirit slate with mystery computer. Teaches how to become a magician. CABBAGE PATCH DOLLS: Creates soul tie with child; mockery of life and death and natural emotions. CABBAGE PATCH PLAYMATES - (to promote illegitimacy) - Amulets Koosas - mysterious cuddly creature which brings good luck - adoptable - you name them. PUNK ROCK DOLL: Name and adopt, same as above. GREMLINS: Violent, sadistic; use transformation (New Age concept), Cannibalism, and promotional scheme. From English word germane to vex. Kill and viciously attack people.

CROSSBOWS " CATAPULTS: Designed from Dark Ages; Vikings vs. Barbarians, very violent. Fantasy. SWORD " SORCERY BATTLE GEAR: Fantasy, sorcery, occult, violence. G.I. JOE: Now adding occult characters to their ranks of regular army characters. STARRIORS: Warrior robots kill for control of earth using chain saws, buzz saw, drills, spiked ream, vibrator chisel. SECRET WARS: Fight aliens with secret messages (occult); the 'Force', wild mutants and hideous creature transformation. OTHER WORLD: Similar to D " D. Violence with warlords, demons, dragons. BLACK STAR: Warlock with alien demon; similar to D " D. BLACKSTONE: Teaches magic.

MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE: Evil lords of destruction, beast man, evil ocean warlord...sorcery. Trying to take the place of Jesus as protector of His creation. TRANSFORMER: New Age concept. The deceptive leader promotes peace through tyranny. Links up to Black Hole. Occult practice can change body into another form. SNAKE MOUNTAIN: Player becomes the snake and works the demon's jaws as he speaks. Experiment with demon power. ROBO FORCE: Evil Robot Empire, very violent, He has killer instinct and a crusher hand. Dictator and destroyer. GO BOTS: Alien robots? Transformation into vehicles. Confuse good and evil.

BOARD GAMES: These games open children to the influence of occult power, wizardry, violence, mind control and witchcraft: Thundar-Barbarian, Pandemonium, Magic 8 Ball, Monster Mansion, Krull (occult with sorcerer), Herself the Elf, Gremlins, Dragon Master, Mythical Cards, Dungeon, Ouija, Dark Towers, Magical Crystals, Dragon Lords, Towers of Night, Forest of Doom, Fires of Shadarr, Star Wars and Yoda, Fantasy Card Game, Hell Pits of Night-Fang, Rune Quest, Chivalry, Sorcery and Arduin-Grimoire.

Summary of Toys

II Timothy 4:4 - In the last days they will not endure sound DOCTRINE. They shall turn away their ears from hearing the truth; they shall turn unto FABLES and MYTHS! Webster's Dictionary defines FABLES: fictitious narrative, legendary story of supernatural happenings, a narrative story in which animals SPEAK AND ACT LIKE HUMAN BEINGS. Beware Christian, these are the END TIMES!


To Exorcise Inanimate Objects (Excerpts)

In the case of objects dedicated to demons (idols, artifacts, etc.), the best course of action is to destroy them. However, it is well to check secondhand cars, homes and apartments also because if the former owners had ouija boards, or other occult paraphernalia, or were involved in serious bondage to sin, then there is every reason to suspect that evil spirits could be lingering behind. These spirits can and will cause trouble to the new owners.

Keep in mind that any prayers offered to anyone or anything other than God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit constitute prayers and/or worship to demons. Very often these are answered in the form of curses, for demons can and do respond to those who request of them. (If you know of demonic prayers against your family, break the curses placed against you.)

We suggest that two believers go on a mission such as this with Bible in hand. These should be destroyed. Look for little Mexican sun gods, idols, incense, Buddhas, hand carved objects from Africa or the Orient, Ouija boards, anything connected with astrology, horoscopes, fortune telling and so on. Books or objects associated with witchcraft, good luck charms, or the cult religions (metaphysics, Christian Science, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.), rock and roll records and tapes fall in the category of things which have been often loaded with evil spiritual power.

Verbally denounce Satan and his power, and his demon hosts and claim authority as a believer-priest because of the name of Jesus Christ and the authority of His shed Blood. (There is more power in the spoken word.)

Some Scripture which has proven useful in this includes: Rev. 12:11; 22:3; Col. 2:14-15; Gal. 3:13; Deut. 21:23; 32:5 " 17; Num. 23:8, 23; II Sam. 7:29. (Read out loud in the house.)

The door lintel and window sills should be anointed by touching them with olive oil. Other things such as statues have been so anointed in Jesus name and many times the demonic power is checked or destroyed. Any specific areas of demonic activity or influence of which you are aware should be denounced by name (Prov. 3:33). (This should be done for objects that you don't own and can not destroy.)

Five Steps To Cleaning House

Worshiping other gods is spiritual adultery:

1. Five-way prayer of forgiveness - you forgive your ancestors, descendants and others, ask God to forgive and bless them. Ask God to forgive you; you forgive yourself for sins against your body. Also ask forgiveness for spiritual adultery.

2. Break curses and soul ties from others and to others. Break curses of psychic or Catholic prayers.

3. Clean out house of those objects or exorcise objects you don't own.

4. Anoint house with oil and drive evil spirits out of house.

5. Cast demons out of people that came in thru curses from objects.


Lord, I come to you about cursed objects and demon infestation in my possessions and home, and in me. I forgive my ancestors, descendants and others who have had spiritual influence over me. I ask you to forgive and bless them, especially with salvation. Please forgive me and I forgive myself for spiritual adultery. I forgive those who have cursed me; forgive me for cursing others. I break the curses and demonic soul ties including psychic and Catholic prayers. I will clean out my house of cursed objects or exorcise objects that I don't own. I will anoint my house with oil and drive the evil spirits out of the house. Show me cursed objects, demon infestation and spirits that need to be cast out of people. In Jesus Name I pray.


Battling The Hosts Of Hell; Conquering The Hosts Of Hell; Demolishing The Hosts Of Hell; Annihilating The Hosts Of Hell, Volumes I and II; Eradicating The Hosts Of Hell; Smashing The Hosts Of Hell; The Alcoholic Syndrome; Grappling with the Host of Hell; Freedom from the Hosts of Hell; and Harassing The Host of Hell, eleven books (and fifty booklets covering particular topics) by Win Worley, Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland, Indiana

Pigs In The Parlor by Frank Hammond, Impact Christian Books